Sunday, September 14, 2008

Grandma's 83rd Birthday Party

Grandma's Birthday party was alot of fun. I'm sure Beck will have her "review" up here, and I don't want to upstage all the fun she has to share. For those of you on the "left coast" where the weather is nothing but sunny, you will appreciate the fact that it rained (read: steady downpour) all morning, and we were all gearing up to find a dry seat and crowd around a set of cornhole boards in Tom's garage. Thankfully, the Good Lord smiled on Mary Margaret and on her 83rd birthday celebration, and the rain clouds parted just as picnic time approached.

Many families were able to make it, and it was really fun seeing a whole new generation of Trescotts running around, just like my generation and the generation before must have done in years gone by. Lots of pictures were taken by lots of different cameras, so my pictures are just a sampling of everything that was happening.

Here's just a few pictures...

September 2008 029
Marge surprises Grandma with a Party Popper

September 2008 036
"Did you know about this??"

September 2008 038
Megan and Brayden

September 2008 045
Kennedy and Brayden...I guess he's a popular guy!!

September 2008 060
Cornhole, anyone?? Mallory and Brendon (I think?)

September 2008 053
Is there room for one more on here? Mallory, Grace, Sydney, and Bob

September 2008 066
The Next Generation

I'll have more up maybe later today or sometime this week...

All pictures are available at my site for viewing or download in multiple sizes. They are tagged "Trescotts" for easy searching.

It was great fun, and a few people from out of town were able to make it for the festivities. (of course, Beloit is so far out in the sticks that it qualifies most anyone brave enough to visit as an "out-of-towner").

We're hoping to get everyone together next summer for a family reunion. I'm working on planning it, so stay would be great to have some input about what week works best for all you out-of-towners as far as sports and school and vacations go, so any hints would be appreciated!

Keep visiting!!

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